Hello, podcast listeners!
Sorry it's been over a month since I've posted a show. As you may have guessed if you listened to the last episode, I'm in the corner getting toweled off and having some smelling salts put under my nose. Maybe I'll be back in the ring later.
In the meantime, congratulations to a very real success story from this podcast: Chase Mitchell (that's him on the left). If you listened to his episode back in October, you know his comedy writing was already drawing attention from major players in the entertainment business. It all began for him a year ago on New Year's Eve. Now, on the eve of 2013, things have taken off to the next level.
Chase is moving to New York because he's gotten a job as a writer for a new late night MTV comedy show. It's called the Sarah & Nikki Show and debuts sometime in January.
Yep, dreams do happen. We may have ran across the next Judd Apatow. Hats off, Chase Mitchell!
Talk to you all in 2013.