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Art's Comments: "When I heard history was being made so close to home, I had to go down and document what happened.
"Despite being accused of rape by close to 40 women, Bill Cosby performed a concert for his Far from Finished tour at the Cobb Energy Centre. Though it's called Far from Finished, this is the only date of the last eight that wasn't canceled or indefinitely postponed!
"Gloria Allred, who you've no doubt seen on various national news shows, was on site. I got audio from Allred as well as one of the alleged victims, Kaya Thompson, her mother, and the protest organizer, Julie Mastrine of Care2."
"Though I've worked professionally as a small town reporter in the past, I haven't done news in years, and I wasn't on the scene officially as a 'reporter,' per se, but an interested citizen and documentarian of some of the history of my city. I was also pleasantly surprised that when I told the people under 30 that I wasn't with a network, I was just a podcaster, their interest in speaking to me didn't wane. In fact they said they loved podcasts and were very enthusiastic.
"Hope you learn and enjoy." 26 minutes.
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